Sunday 25 May 2014

Massive Multiplayer Online Games, Vrtual Reality Mobile Games

Massive Multiplayer Online Games

Probably everything is clear about multiplayer games by now. In case it’s not, you can always go back read about multiplayer games here. The thing is, the gaming communities are getting larger and many players massively connect and play certain games. We call that a Massive multiplayer online game.
Massive multiplayer online game or MMO/MMOG is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously. It is necessary to be connected via Internet with other players, and you can play on you PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet.

Probably the main reason why MMOs are popular lies somewhere in the Internet connection, or to be more certain, in the ability to connect to players on a larger scale. Not only you can connect to other players and play against them or unite in a team, you can actually connect to player regardless of the place where they physically are. And they can be next door, or miles away on another continent.

The first MMO game appeared somewhere in 1986 by the name Air Warrior by Kesmai on the GEnie online service. Since then, many MMO games appeared, with different themes, different gameplays and different strategies. Today, we can say that the most famous MMO game is undoubtedly World of Warcraft. And when it comes to MMOs on social network, FarmVille holds the number one spot.

Probably no one can really explain the necessity of playing games. We always find new ways to make things more exciting. And by developing MMOs, we probably have done that.

Peering into the future of augmented reality games

Peering into the future of augmented reality games

Augmented is something we hear every day when it comes to computer science and technologies. So if you think, you’ll come to a logical conclusion that augmented reality is the next best thing in every field of your life.
Augmented reality combines the real and the virtual world by overlaying digital data on to real-world analogue views.  Using your smartphone, you can gain access to many different AR apps. AR apps are divided in two main categories: marker-based and location-based.

Marker-based are those apps which by using the camera, recognize specific thing, such as barcode or logo. Location-based, on the other hand are those which give you a different, augmented view of your actual location.

Augmented reality is big even now as it is. But scientist say that the real deal will come after they succeed to ‘escape’ the screen. Augmented reality now is only possible on your screen, but scientists are positive that in recent years, the augmented reality may reach a new dimension.

Augmented reality gains popularity with each day passes. The possibilities are unlimited: games, shopping, every-day life, education, science… Whatever you think of, probably will be available in the next few years. The beauty of it is that the world is changing. But it’s changing in a more beautiful and vibrant way, and a way that will suit best every single one of us.

Play Free Online Games

Play Free Online Games

There’s nothing we enjoy more than playing fun games, I suppose. Since the Internet offers us a variety of options, why don’t we use it for playing games? Oh wait, we actually do that.

There is no limit or restrictions when it comes to gaming. The number of free online games is unbelievably high, also the web sites offering them. No matter if you choose to go onto gaming site or social network, you can always find a little piece of haven for yourself.

There is no need to mention all the different types of games available online. Roughly said, there is something for everybody’s taste. Starting with the good old classics such as snake, solitaire or pinball, moving on to the childhood best such as Mame 32 compilation, up to today’s everybody’s favourites such as FarmVille and Candy Crash Saga – they’re all free! You just need the time and will to play, everything else is already provided.

Having in mind your personal gaming taste, you can find free online games that suit you just fine. You just need a bit of research. But it’s not all about computers and laptops now. Using the variety of apps available, it is very easy to have whatever game you want nicely wrapped up for your smartphone or tablet.
Since everything is done for you, and some even say that everything is invented (which I personally don’t agree with), your task now is equal to your pleasure. Just press play and enjoy.

The Future of Augmented Reality

The Future of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality has been present in our lives for so long in our lives, but we really weren’t aware that it is everywhere around us. It is something like when you watch a football match on television, you see a part of reality (the football match) occurring somewhere in real time, but the tiny box on your screen where you see the result is the augmented part of the reality you see.

Actually, augmenter reality advances with every day passed, and again, we are not aware of that. You probably have those pre-installed bar-code reader apps on your phone. Well guess what – that is a part of the augmented world.

So now, that we are becoming aware of all those thing, imagine what future stands in front of augmented reality. There is no limit of the possibilities that augmented reality can take over. For instance, the educational system may become more approachable for the students. Many things can be presented better using the advantages on the augmented reality.

The gaming world probably will never be the same after the augmented reality. The entire gaming experience will be much more realistic and fun, meaning you will have a different gaming experience like never before.
And it doesn’t stop there. Augmented reality is likely to become a leading trend in the world of technology. Computer scientist are hoping that one day they will even be able to escape the screens and take augmented reality even to a more ‘real’ level.

Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming

Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming

It becomes clearer as time goes by that augmented reality is the next best thing that is going to be used in many aspects in our life. Remember that friendly little gadget, the uncertified best friend? Yes, you mobile phone. It’s no secret that gaming apps are going to be much more realistic now than before.

It’s the simple things in life that make everything better. Look at it this way: you have new curtains in your room and not it looks entirely different and new, even though every other piece in the room is old. That’s what augmented reality does. It changes the things you know, but in a way, it’s still the same.

Mobile gaming apps are an everyday thing now, just try to count how many you have on your phone. But AUGMENTED mobile gaming apps are something different. Easy to use, but yet, powerful enough to present you what you know from a different angle. You will be able to play on the places you know, right there in your actual reality. But everything will seem more colourful, playful and more fun than before.
Forget about bonding yourself in front of a computer for hours. Take your mobile phone and enjoy. And when the reality is augmented, we’re sure that you will enjoy indeed.

Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising

Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising

Augmented reality is becoming the hottest trend created so far. The possibilities are limitless, whether it comes to everyday stuff, games or even advertising. The idea that augmented reality could be used in advertising was born somewhere in 2008, but it took few years to get to the real deal. Today, it is only getting more popular with each day passed.

Smartphone users have many options available. Now, they have the amazing opportunity to discover advertising in a whole new way. Starting with Starbucks and Absolute vodka, turns out these brands are in front of the competition thanks to their new inventive ways of advertising.

Using a certain product, these companies trigger a 3D video or animation on the mobile screen. Sounds unbelievable? Well, it’s actually pretty legit.

Augmented reality offers unique advertising opportunities. It is easy to create a user-friendly advertisement, great to experience and fun to watch. And not only that. Augmented reality advertising apps give you the option to buy products directly by few simple clicks on the screen.

Interact with different characters, experience different type of reality advertising only on your smartphone screen. Augmented reality advertising is a type of advertising that every successful company should follow and make a different reality for the loyal customers.

Mobile App & Social Game

Mobile App & Social Game

I’m sure this has happened to all of you: you are waiting for a friend and you are going through the apps on your phone, and you end up playing some game while waiting. You click an icon and let the games begin!
Using different apps and by logging in with our social network account, playing games which are available on the social network has never been so simple. Since smartphones and tablets are so widely used right now, probably 100% of the games you play on Facebook are available for free download on PlayStore, AppleStore or MoboGenie.

Imagine how frustrating it would be if you had to log in to a social network via browser and then play a game via the browser again, as we do on you computers. Not only is that a complete waste of time, but also it is much more difficult to do it considering the fact that your phone has a touch screen instead of mouse or touchpad.

That’s why we have apps. Few simple clicks and you are already playing. And you can play everywhere, every time, of course, as long as you have a well-charged battery.

It’s good to have fun in life in many different ways. And you have the simple pleasures right there on your mobile phone. Download, Install and Play!

How augmented reality apps work

How augmented reality apps work

If you look back in time, seeing something that isn’t really there was most likely to be pronounced as schizophrenia. So, if you saw a dragon canvassing your neighborhood, well, people will ‘equip’ you with a ‘first class ticket’ to a mental institution. But now, since things are rapidly changing the dragon you see is most likely to knock on your door and ask you for a minute to talk about Jesus. All that, thanks to what we call an augmented reality.

Apps are not an unknown thing to us, we use them every day for different purposes. But when it comes to augmented reality apps, things complicate a bit since we are still not so used to having them. Let’s try and put it in a simple way. That dragon we talked about before. It is not a part of your imagination, but also, it is not a part of reality. The augmented reality actually blurs the strict line between what’s real and what’s pure imagination.

Using different devices, you can experience unique altered reality, something that your eyes have never seen. Maybe it still sound like a feature from Star Wars, but actually, augmented reality is there, becoming more popular with every minute passed. It will be soon before long when it becomes a part of our everyday life.

Combining the Real and Virtual Worlds via Mobile Augmented Reality

Combining the Real and Virtual Worlds via Mobile Augmented Reality

We all have our favourite little world where we want to hang out from time to time. All of the sudden you become superhero, gang member, fairy or whatever you like. Too bad that you can’t transfer that feeling outside of your computer, or to be more specific, from your home. Or can you? Well you can – using augmenter reality gaming.

Augmented reality is what combines the real and the virtual world into a mixture that will satisfy you big time. How? Simple. Mobile phones are the things we use every day, so now, using augmented reality apps we can alter the things we see in different ways.

You wanted to be a superhero? Put on your cape, grab your phone, and using the suitable augmented reality application you are the protector of your neighborhood.

Augmented reality combines the real and the virtual world by overlaying digital data on to real-world analogue views.  Using your smartphone, you can gain access to many different augmented reality apps. And from then on, it’s up to you. You have, right there in front of you, a perfect fusion of virtuality and reality.

A wise man once said: ‘if you could dream it, you could achieve it’. Someone dreamt of a beautiful world, and by creating augmented reality gave us a new world. Use your mobile augmented reality apps and achieve you dream.

Social Gaming, Virtual Reality Social Games, Augmented Reality Mobile Games,

Social Gaming, Virtual Reality Social Games, Augmented Reality Mobile Games, 

Whether you’re a true gamer or just a regular peron who casually enjoys playing games, you’ll like the idea of social gaming. Forget the boring games where all you do is follow some lame rules and still are not able to score big. It’s frustrating and we’ve all been there. Striving for something new - now that’s something!
You probably have no knowledge of what we refer to. Imagine this - you get the chance to go to your absolute favorite band’s concert. Be honest, what will you choose? You can either pay a decent price for your what you’ve always dreamed of to come true or sit at home and watch them play live on Youtube. Yup, there’s no way you’d go with the second one. So, you get it. It’s like comparing a BMW with a Lada.
That’s how cool the social gaming is. There are a lot of applications available for you to download on your iPhone and get to know the wonders of these kinds of games. Long story short, it’s all about socializing and scoring in the same time. Unbelivable? Believe it. If you had to risk your social life in order to beat your old score in a game before, worry no more. In fact, the more social you are, the greater your chances of winning!
You need people for these games, you need interaction. You need GPS on your phone for it to track other people’s devices. Once you get together, play, fight each other or fight together against someone else – and have your score go up! It’s quote simple, what you do in real life reflects in the game. It’s all about keeping the score!

Best Augmented Reality Apps, Augmented Reality Mobile Games

Best Augmented Reality Apps, Augmented Reality Mobile Games

We all sometimes miss the tense screaming of children playing outside. Back then, we surely hated it. And now since times are changing (pretty fast), all you hear when you relax at home is a car speeding down the road. You can thank the social networks for altering our everyday lives, but also you can ‘thank’ them for those sleepless nights spent playing your favourite social networking game.

The base definition of social network game goes something like this: ‘a type of online game that is played through social networks, and typically features multiplayer and asynchronous gameplay’. Their popularity is increasing rapidly, so the question is are you logging on to Facebook to stalk your ex or to play Candy Crash Saga.

Social network games are not only fun, they are SOCIAL. You may never know who you are playing against in the colourful virtual world you have chosen. And on thtpe other hand, is always challenging to play against your friend and beating him in SongPop. There’s nothing better than winning a bet.

But it doesn’t end there. Mobile applications connected to the base game are also available and easy to use. All it takes is download, install and play. And you can play everywhere and every time.

Let the kids play FarmVille instead of breaking your window with a ball. Maybe the current situation is hard to understand for the elderly generations, but hey, we created technology for a good purpose. Starting by playing random games on Facebook, your kid may someday be the best in the gaming industry.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming, Social AR Game, Online Virtual Reality Games

Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming, Social AR Game, Online Virtual Reality Games

It becomes clearer as time goes by that augmented reality is the next best thing that is going to be used in many aspects in our life. Remember that friendly little gadget, the uncertified best friend? Yes, you mobile phone. It’s no secret that gaming apps are going to be much more realistic now than before.

It’s the simple things in life that make everything better. Look at it this way: you have new curtains in your room and not it looks entirely different and new, even though every other piece in the room is old. That’s what augmented reality does. It changes the things you know, but in a way, it’s still the same.

Mobile gaming apps are an everyday thing now, just try to count how many you have on your phone. But AUGMENTED mobile gaming apps are something different. Easy to use, but yet, powerful enough to present you what you know from a different angle. You will be able to play on the places you know, right there in your actual reality. But everything will seem more colourful, playful and more fun than before.
Forget about bonding yourself in front of a computer for hours. Take your mobile phone and enjoy. And when the reality is augmented, we’re sure that you will enjoy indeed.

Virtual Reality Game Play - Know All About It

Virtual Reality Game Play - Know All About It
What’s the first thing that pops in your mind when you hear the terms virtual reality? Well, it’s not a contradiction; and it’s stealing the show big time! If you’re bored of the uninspiring games and the banal rules you have to follow, then we’ve got a little something for you. There hasn’t been a person alive who hasn’t liked the idea of the virtual reality game play. Want to know more about it? We want you to imagine the following scenario. You’re sitting in your room with nothing to do, but you desperately want something to happen. Then your friend calls. 

And instead of the same old, boring things you do daily – he suggests something new! Which, by the way, only requires a small amount of your precious time – download, install and play! How does the idea of playing outside while scoring points in a virtual game sounds? You no longer have to spend your free time in front of the computer, all alone. Now you’ve got a reason plus to get out and kick some a**! What’s more, you don’t even need the fancy dress-up, you’ll end up sweating anyway! If you don’t go, then you’re just making excuses. I don’t know anyone who isn’t fond of having fun. The name of the game is Ronrik! Google it and see what it’s all about. In short: you only have to program your GPS to track other mobiles who have the same application installed and start approaching people in the same instant! They’ll know; don’t worry about looking like a freak in front of them. (Of course, not saying you should go and punch an unknown guy in the face just because the GPS told you he’s an enemy.) Stop waiting and make it happen! If you want fun, go and get it now you’ve got the chance!

Multiplayer Augmented Reality Game, Mobile Social Gaming Apps

Multiplayer Augmented Reality Game, Mobile Social Gaming Apps
Don’t you feel tired of the ordinary games mobile phones, and even online Internet sites, offer? It’s all about spending your time behind the screen, trying to get a higher score, while damaging your eye-sight in the process because of the countless hours you spend embracing the radiation. You’re walking down the street with your earphones on and your whole being focused solely on the iPhone and bursting out in anger if, God forbid, you lose your grip. How fun is that?
Stop wondering why you can’t get girls’ attention. It’s not because of your physique, (okay, maybe it is) or about your boring personality. (um.. you might wanna consider that) It’s because of your inability to approach people and start a normal conversation. (we’re talking about people you know here, don’t want to end up being called a freak) But, if you just can’t change for the life of you, you have to find a way to be dominant in your own field, no matter how lame that seems to other people. In fact, that way you’ll attract more like-minded people, so go for it!

The perfect choice for you is Ronrik. Welcome to the augmented world of the most realistic game that has ever been created. And no, it’s not a contradiction. It’s actually a pretty good solution to incorporate your ‘world of warcraft’ life into your real one. I think we’ve all had enough of playing against unknown enemies, or even against the device itself, and trying to accomplish something by the skin of our teeth. And the outcome? Well, except for the short-term joy – not much. That’s why Ronrik’s different. There aren’t many games that enable you to use an application through which you can discover other people’s devices who use the same application. And the best part is when the bloodshed occurs; so instead of sitting idly and using your fingers to the bone, you get up, approach the person and start fighting – of course, causing virtual damage.
What’s worth the prize is always worth the price! Considering it’s a fairly new invention, why not be among the first to try it out?

Augmented Reality to Mobile Gaming, Mobile Apps & Augmented Reality

You know times are different when technology interminlges with everyday life. It’s become pretty life-altering nowadays, as no living human being can imagine their existence without the help of the technological devices. It’s almost like the zombie apocalypse happening all over again! Oh, wait – the zombie apocalypse hasn’t happened yet. At least not in the literal meaning, judging by the unpleasant sight of young people.
Indeed, it’s really depressing when all you can look at is a bunch of teenagers walking around with their heads bent, preoccupied with their smartphones, not paying attention to the outer world. What’s worse, even grown-ups do it! And how about that time when you invite friends over and you end up doing nothing but stare at the phones? Where did the interaction go?

But, wait! Don’t despair! There’s more to life then simply getting your head around how to use an iPhone. If you’re that of an addict and can’t quit using technology for the better part of the day, I’ve got news for you! Ronrik is here! It enables you to, both, play and live! (not implying that you had no life before) Ronrik is not your usual game, it involves using your full attention and ability to react in real life!
With the help of GPS you can track others who are also users of the application and have real-life battles. You get to kill people, how awesome is that? But, (saddly) it doesn’t apply to the actual life. Okay, okay let me rephrase that. You get to kill the character in the game which the person represents. It’s a great way to make new friends, so it’s a win-win situation!

Social Augmented Reality Games

Maybe this is one of those days when everything around you seems dull, grey and depressing. Everything is pretty much the same, you are wearing the same pajamas, your mother cooks the same food as two days ago, and even the same people pass by your house. If this is the case, we have good news: you are not alone! Since many people feel tired of the constancy of their surroundings, some brilliant minds decided to change that. That’s why today we have something we call an augmented reality.

Augmentedreality is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented(or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data’. To put in a simple way, that would mean that using a device you can alter the things you see in a way that they would be more exciting for the eye. Or to explain it even in a simpler way, it is something like when you watch a football match on television, you see a part of reality (the football match) occurring somewhere in real time, but the tiny box on your screen where you see the result is the augmented part of the reality you see.

The term augmented reality in the complete opposite of the term virtual reality. Virtual reality exists somewhere in a place you cannot call real, and augmented reality exist in front of your eyes, painting your black and white world with the colours of joy.

So instead of living in a virtual reality, alter the things you know and enjoy. You never know what’s going to wait for you somewhere in a hidden corner in your neighborhood.