Sunday 25 May 2014

Peering into the future of augmented reality games

Peering into the future of augmented reality games

Augmented is something we hear every day when it comes to computer science and technologies. So if you think, you’ll come to a logical conclusion that augmented reality is the next best thing in every field of your life.
Augmented reality combines the real and the virtual world by overlaying digital data on to real-world analogue views.  Using your smartphone, you can gain access to many different AR apps. AR apps are divided in two main categories: marker-based and location-based.

Marker-based are those apps which by using the camera, recognize specific thing, such as barcode or logo. Location-based, on the other hand are those which give you a different, augmented view of your actual location.

Augmented reality is big even now as it is. But scientist say that the real deal will come after they succeed to ‘escape’ the screen. Augmented reality now is only possible on your screen, but scientists are positive that in recent years, the augmented reality may reach a new dimension.

Augmented reality gains popularity with each day passes. The possibilities are unlimited: games, shopping, every-day life, education, science… Whatever you think of, probably will be available in the next few years. The beauty of it is that the world is changing. But it’s changing in a more beautiful and vibrant way, and a way that will suit best every single one of us.

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