Sunday 25 May 2014

The Future of Augmented Reality

The Future of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality has been present in our lives for so long in our lives, but we really weren’t aware that it is everywhere around us. It is something like when you watch a football match on television, you see a part of reality (the football match) occurring somewhere in real time, but the tiny box on your screen where you see the result is the augmented part of the reality you see.

Actually, augmenter reality advances with every day passed, and again, we are not aware of that. You probably have those pre-installed bar-code reader apps on your phone. Well guess what – that is a part of the augmented world.

So now, that we are becoming aware of all those thing, imagine what future stands in front of augmented reality. There is no limit of the possibilities that augmented reality can take over. For instance, the educational system may become more approachable for the students. Many things can be presented better using the advantages on the augmented reality.

The gaming world probably will never be the same after the augmented reality. The entire gaming experience will be much more realistic and fun, meaning you will have a different gaming experience like never before.
And it doesn’t stop there. Augmented reality is likely to become a leading trend in the world of technology. Computer scientist are hoping that one day they will even be able to escape the screens and take augmented reality even to a more ‘real’ level.

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