Monday 2 June 2014 - Mobile Game Apps

Mobile Game Apps

Are you out of ideas when it comes to playing games? Are you tired of doing business with the same thing over and over again? Well, this article is the right opportunity for you. We’ve got all the applications that you’ll ever need for your mobile device!

Gaming is a pretty important aspect in everyone’s life. And if it’s not, it should be. Shame on you for not putting your priorities straight! Joking. But still, the gaming industry makes millions out of people like us – gamers to the bone, always looking for some kind of updates. People gotta make money, you know!

Puzzle games, action games – you name it! Your priority should merely be choosing one of them. As for the applications, it’s the same grueling process. Simply download it and start playing the game. How hard can it be? Now, we’re aware that there are people who can’t be bothered to download applications and are satisfied with what their phones already offer.

But, as far as we’re concerned, we only need people who can dedicate their heart and soul to gaming.. right? So, both parties profit – it’s a win-win situation!

Looking for Social Reality Games? Check Out These Ideas!

Looking for Fun Social Reality Games? Check Out These Ideas!

What does it take to label a certain game as a social? Well, simple – put it on a social network and bam – it’s social! There are many nice games available on our favourite social networks. So if you are looking to spend some of your valued time, check out these ideas.

From personal experience, probably the majority enjoy playing quiz games. They make us feel smart, yeah. Well, if you are a part of the majority, SuperBuzzer is the perfect choice for you. Play live against random opponents, answer questions, win, and build up your ranking. You’ll find yourself addicted to this game in no time!

Criminal Case is another game you are going to love. And actually, it was declared Best Game of the Year 2013. Explore crime scenes, question suspects and put the wrong-doers behind bars. It’s like your childhood CSI dream is coming true!

And for those who love more laid-back alternatives, we propose Farm Heroes Saga. To put it simple, it is like Candy Crash Saga going to the village. And if you have a healthy lifestyle, instead of candies, you’ll be popping strawberries and onions.

There you have it. If you weren’t certain what you like, we really hope we offered you a perfect solution. - Location-Based Augmented Reality Game

Location-Based Augmented Reality Game

There has been too much talk about augmented reality and the things we will be able to do when it reaches an advanced form. When it comes to games, augmented reality will most likely be the top trend, providing new and unusual gaming experiences.

So what’s so exciting about augmented reality? The ‘location-based’ thing actually. The boring streets become battlefields, the old abandoned house becomes hiding place and your favourite restaurant becomes healing facility. At least that’s what we dug out from the developers.

Location-based augmented reality games are being developed every day, and some of them are even available now.  And there’s some pretty big thing coming this way. They call it RonRik.

Long story short, RonRik is a location-based reality game that will turn you entire world upside-down. Combining already existing augmented reality technology, with the virtual gameplay and your mobile phone, RonRik is anticipated by many lovers of the virtual world.

One thing we are sure of: augmented reality will be something entirely new and different from everything we’ve had so far. For other things, we’ll have to wait and see. Free Virtual Reality Games Online

Free Virtual Reality Games Online

They say in life, best things are free. But okay, not to exaggerate. Pizza is great, but it’s not free. Beer is amazing, and again, it’s not free. But let’s go back to games. We’re not to make you obese and get you drunk here.

There are many free games online. Many sites offer tons of games you can play online for free. You can find many suiting your gaming taste. If we take online games in general, they are divided in few categories: Action, Arcade, Time-Management, Hidden Object, Puzzle, Casino, Family Games etc.

You want to play pool but don’t know how to even hold the cue stick? Well, someone has taken care of that – play online! Nobody has to know that you don’t even know how to hit the cue with the stick!
And as we all know, it is illegal to kill person in real-life, so you can ‘ease the pain’ by playing action games online. Welcome to your personal killing spree.

There is a variety of what you can play, you just need the time and the will. - Best online virtual game to play

Best online virtual game to play

Can you isolate one single game and label it as a best one? Yeah, neither can we, so let us lead you into a world full of games – better yet – full of virtual games! Know the difference? Well, the only one is the level of amusement one experiences. To each his own, but we strongly recommend looking into virtual gaming.
The time has come for games such as World Of Warcraft or League Of Legends to be mentioned. Boy gamers are especially fond of these. It’s amazing the amount of time they spend just to create their characters or win a battle. Some of you will go all the life without understanding the feeling.

And imagine what happens if there ever comes a moment of time when the games mysteriously disappears from their computer and their progress is lost in oblivion. Yep, the definition of apocalypse.

Meet Me and My World are not yet available, but just wait for it and enjoy them afterwards. They are being tested by students in Arizona, so bear with it. While waiting, you can always rely on Second Life, A world Of My Own, Petra’s Planet, Creature Breeder and many more! Learn through these games and even educate younger children!

See, parents, gaming ain’t all that bad after all! - Augmented Reality Games for Mobiles

Augmented Reality Games for Mobiles

What’s reality if it can’t be changed or even altered? Not much fun, really. It’s the same old thing you have to do every single day. Get up, face reality and go to sleep. Right? Well, wrong. Let us show you a way you can have fun without having to, possibly, move to another state.

Well, we can, for one, an entirely different concept that will keep you guessing what’s next. Ladies and gents, it’s the augmented reality! This enhanced reality will enable you to do things you never thought you’d be able to accomplish. But never say never, eh?

Not only do you have the option to play games on your mobiles, but you have the chance to try the wonders augmented reality offers. If you’re one of the lucky ones, just download a suitable application and make your way through the lost forest, once and for all!

I mean, once you’ve been in a better place, there’s no way you’re going back to where you’re from. Don’t get us wrong, not that we’re underestimating the power of regular games, but bear in mind, we’re offering something that’s bound to blow your minds! - Augmented reality applications

Augmented reality applications

What sounds as a pretty futuristic concept, is the reality in which we exist. (how cool is that, eh?) Choosing what application fits your mobile is sometimes a really tough choice, even tougher than actually using the application. It all depends on what kind of application you’re looking for, to be honest, whether it’s iPhone or Android!

There are certain choices the Internet offers. Here are some of them: Wikitude World Browser (which is highly regarded as one of the best applications ever created), AcrossAir as a 3D navigator, Google Sky Map, iOn Road Augmented Driving (all of which help you with keeping safe on the roads)

The concept ‘augmented reality’ is really consisted of two terms ‘augmented’ with the meaning of ‘enhanced’ and ‘reality’. It’s absolutely beneficial, providing you with such details that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. So, your smartphone + an augmented reality application = success.

You’ll find yourself buying chargers for the phone every month in no time! - Top Social Game Apps

Top Social Game Apps

It’s no secret we love social networks for various reasons. We’re going to leave behind the social/chatting/flirting part of social networks. We are focusing let’s say, on the second best thing about social networks – social games.
We are used to playing some game to kill time, inviting friends to play to get lives, helping friends out etc. So what’s your favourite social game app? Here’s what the world thinks!
When it comes to casual/addictive games, somewhere on the top of this list come Farmville and Candy Crash Saga. We all know Farmville: plant, harvest, sell. The funny part is, when it comes to planting, nobody wants to get his hands dirty. But when it comes to planting and games, suddenly planting is our favourite activity.

Candy Crash Saga on the other hand should open a rehab center soon. This puzzule-ish game is so addicting, yet so simple. Its inviting interface and friendly characters do what they are supposed to do. And before you know it, well, welcome to the club of addicts.
For those of you who love a good game of poker, you know that there’s no better place that Zynga Poker. Play against friends, raise the bet, change rooms, play tournaments and win. This is pretty addicting to, so be careful not to transfer it to the real world, though.

You don’t have to think about anything – others have done that for you when it comes to games. Just choose the seat and enjoy the ride. - Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising

Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising

Since the conclusion is that augmented reality provides secure future in probably every aspect of our life that has something to do with technology, we pose the question: Is it possible to use augmented reality as a new and inventive way of advertising? And in the same way we posed the question, now we’re going to answer it: Yes it is! Big time!

In fact, many companies have already begun using augmented reality for advertising purposes.
Take Starbucks as an example. Starbucks always raises the stakes and challenges the competition, so now once again, they found a way to stay on top. Using augmented reality, they created a unique augmented reality app. Simply, you can drink your favoutire coffee and watch the world of Starbucks come alive on your screen.

Another interesting example is Absolut Vodka. Using their app, you can want the beauties of Sweden unfold on your screen when you focus you camera on the leaflet on the bottle. Absolut Vodka comes from Sweden, just for the record.

As you can see, augmented reality offers unique advertising possibilities, never seen before. So if you want to raise high together with your brand or company, this is the thing you need to look out for. - Virtual Reality Game

Virtual Reality Game

It is tiring thing living every day in a state of ‘déjà vu’. Same people, same faces, same expressions, same habits, same places…And it goes on and on like a song stuck on repeat, but you can’t help it. Lovers of the gaming world know a perfect getaway space, made to change the obvious – virtual reality.
Virtual reality is ‘a computer-simulated environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. To the stars, madam? – No problem! Using the latest computer science technology now everything is possible. It is used as a simulator for practice, for example, in navy or piloting. But we are talking about something closer to us here – video games.

Every video game has its own little world, designed to follow the gameplay. So there is a variety you could choose from: from sunny, cheerful farms, to creepy abandoned places filled with ghosts. Using 3D, high-quality audio and video, it is almost impossible not to love it.  

If you are not sure, ask a gamer. He knows his thing. Probably he has found a perfect virtual reality, far away from everyday problems and worries. Then, why won’t you do the same? - Virtual Reality Game Play - Know All About It

Virtual Reality Game Play - Know All About It
What’s the first thing that pops in your mind when you hear the terms virtual reality? Well, it’s not a contradiction; and it’s stealing the show big time! If you’re bored of the uninspiring games and the banal rules you have to follow, then we’ve got a little something for you. There hasn’t been a person alive who hasn’t liked the idea of the virtual reality game play. Want to know more about it? We want you to imagine the following scenario. You’re sitting in your room with nothing to do, but you desperately want something to happen. Then your friend calls. 

And instead of the same old, boring things you do daily – he suggests something new! Which, by the way, only requires a small amount of your precious time – download, install and play! How does the idea of playing outside while scoring points in a virtual game sounds? You no longer have to spend your free time in front of the computer, all alone. Now you’ve got a reason plus to get out and kick some a**! What’s more, you don’t even need the fancy dress-up, you’ll end up sweating anyway! If you don’t go, then you’re just making excuses. I don’t know anyone who isn’t fond of having fun. The name of the game is Ronrik! Google it and see what it’s all about. In short: you only have to program your GPS to track other mobiles who have the same application installed and start approaching people in the same instant! They’ll know; don’t worry about looking like a freak in front of them. (Of course, not saying you should go and punch an unknown guy in the face just because the GPS told you he’s an enemy.) Stop waiting and make it happen! If you want fun, go and get it now you’ve got the chance! - The Most Valued Gaming Application in the App Store

You know times are different when technology intermingles with everyday life. It’s become pretty life-altering nowadays, as no living human being can imagine their existence without the help of the technological devices. It’s almost like the zombie apocalypse happening all over again! Oh, wait – the zombie apocalypse hasn’t happened yet. At least not in the literal meaning, judging by the unpleasant sight of young people.
Indeed, it’s really depressing when all you can look at is a bunch of teenagers walking around with their heads bent, preoccupied with their smartphones, not paying attention to the outer world. What’s worse, even grown-ups do it! And how about that time when you invite friends over and you end up doing nothing but stare at the phones? Where did the interaction go?

But, wait! Don’t despair! There’s more to life then simply getting your head around how to use an iPhone. If you’re that of an addict and can’t quit using technology for the better part of the day, We’ve got news for you! Ronrik is here! It enables you to, both, play and live! (not implying that you had no life before) Ronrik is not your usual game, it involves using your full attention and ability to react in real life!
With the help of GPS you can track others who are also users of the application and have real-life battles. You get to kill people, how awesome is that? But, (saddly) it doesn’t apply to the actual life. Okay, okay let me rephrase that. You get to kill the character in the game which the person represents. It’s a great way to make new friends, so it’s a win-win situation! - Social Realty Game Every Person Should Try

If you’re a true gamer, I’m sure you’re starting to be worn out by the same, old, plain games mobile devices offer. It’s just like a downward spiral – it doesn’t get any better; in fact, it can get worse! You find yourself spending time playing games as a means to an end; seems like killing time’s the only thing left. The thrill, the enthusiasm, the adrenaline – all gone. You need something new, yet you’re stuck in reverse.
We’ve got the right thing for you. It’s something everyone needs to try. (well, excluding elderly people, but each to their own) If you haven’t heard of it, well, no worries! We’re here to introduce it! No matter how unbelievable it sounds, you can play in real life (meaning, in the natural environment) and score virtually! Sounds crazy? Believe it. Ronrik is one of the first social reality games ever invented! In fact, its only requirement is to own a phone with Internet access, so you can download the application.. which, we’re almost certain you have. And then, let the fun begin! Tell your friends to download it as well, because this game requires socialization. In a nutshell, what you do is, you use your skills to fight them (in the very moment!) or, simply, compete (take what you will) and by doing so, you virtually score points! That sounds hella fun!

Actually, not only is it fun, but it also gives you the chance to get your ass off the couch, go out and score in reality as well! Just imagine how cool you’d be in the eyes of the girl who you been longing to impress. Who knows? You might even bring her into this madness and together you can rule the world of Ronrik.
Back to reality now. Don’t expect the best outcome of this scenario, it’s only just a game, no matter how cool. - Social Gaming Application - Social Gaming Application

We all sometimes miss the tense screaming of children playing outside. Back then, we surely hated it. And now since times are changing (pretty fast), all you hear when you relax at home is a car speeding down the road. You can thank the social networks for altering our everyday lives, but also you can ‘thank’ them for those sleepless nights spent playing your favourite social networking game.

The base definition of social network game goes something like this: ‘a type of online game that is played through social networks, and typically features multiplayer and asynchronous gameplay’. Their popularity is increasing rapidly, so the question is are you logging on to Facebook to stalk your ex or to play Candy Crash Saga.
Social network games are not only fun, they are SOCIAL. You may never know who you are playing against in the colourful virtual world you have chosen. And on the other hand, is always challenging to play against your friend and beating him in SongPop. There’s nothing better than winning a bet.

But it doesn’t end there. Mobile applications connected to the base game are also available and easy to use. All it takes is download, install and play. And you can play everywhere and every time.

Let the kids play FarmVille instead of breaking your window with a ball. Maybe the current situation is hard to understand for the elderly generations, but hey, we created technology for a good purpose. Starting by playing random games on Facebook, your kid may someday be the best in the gaming industry. - Social Gaming App

Social Gaming App 

When was the last time you did something fun? When was the last time you packed your bags and went on a trip to Alaska? Okay, maybe that’s too much, but it still counts! Being the sociable person you are, there are no doubts this kind of thing is already on your mind. Technology today has gone pretty far, so as long you got your mobile with you, you’re good to go! There’s an abundance of games people play to kill time and don’t even notice how dull they all seem. You just take them for granted. The rules, the time – everything. But, what if I told you there’s more to it? It’s not just playing just for the sake of playing. Take a step forward and learn something that’s most likely to turn your world around. New games, new rules – the harder the struggle – the more glorious the triumph, ain’t it? This takes gaming to a whole new level. It may seem as another regular application, but it’s not. It’s actually very different from anything you have ever encountered. Just wait and see, tons of these games will come overflowing in a matter of months. It’s rather simple really: you download the application, you turn on your GPS so your phone can track others with the same application, you play in the very moment – and keep scores in the virtual world! Seems impossible? Well, get used to it, because it’s about to become a real addiction among people. In fact, how cool is to be able to socialize and keep you high-score high at the same time? Win-win! - Social Reality Game Application - New Era of Gaming

You know times are different when technology interminlges with everyday life. It’s become pretty life-altering nowadays, as no living human being can imagine their existence without the help of the technological devices. It’s almost like the zombie apocalypse happening all over again! Oh, wait – the zombie apocalypse hasn’t happened yet. At least not in the literal meaning, judging by the unpleasant sight of young people.
Indeed, it’s really depressing when all you can look at is a bunch of teenagers walking around with their heads bent, preoccupied with their smartphones, not paying attention to the outer world. What’s worse, even grown-ups do it! And how about that time when you invite friends over and you end up doing nothing but stare at the phones? Where did the interaction go?

But, wait! Don’t despair! There’s more to life then simply getting your head around how to use an iPhone. If you’re that of an addict and can’t quit using technology for the better part of the day, I’ve got news for you! Ronrik is here! It enables you to, both, play and live! (not implying that you had no life before) Ronrik is not your usual game, it involves using your full attention and ability to react in real life!
With the help of GPS you can track others who are also users of the application and have real-life battles. You get to kill people, how awesome is that? But, (saddly) it doesn’t apply to the actual life. Okay, okay let me rephrase that. You get to kill the character in the game which the person represents. It’s a great way to make new friends, so it’s a win-win situation! - Multiplayer Augmented Reality Game RonRik

Multiplayer Augmented Reality Game RonRik

“May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” 
 Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey

You don’t need to be a philosopher to know that accomplishing a certain goal is much easier when powers are united. You know what they say – if you can’t beat them – join them. Turns out THEY were smart enough to unite and make YOU join them. Of course, if you don’t show up with a greater team.
There’s no use in mentioning that we all enjoy playing games. But now, we are creating something different. Multiplayer? Well, that’s not new. Many games are labeled as multiplayer games because you and your friends can easily connect with each other and play as much as you like. All that, in the comfort of your own home, eating chips, drinking beer and not talking to each other because, well, the game is fun. But let us do some ‘game changing’ changes here.

We created something we call augmented. It alters everything you know in a new and exciting way. It’s like adding the cherry on top. You have everything if front of you as it was before, but, let’s simply say that is more…ideal. You want real life action and drama? Just wish it. And actually, it’s on its way. We call it – RonRik.

With RonRik, you will be able to play outside, using your phone or tablet and interact with those you know, or even better, you will have a great pick-up line for those who you don’t know. Players will connect to each other using mobile broadband data. You can unite in teams and make the task easier for you. So this is a great chance to play against you friends while enjoying outside in your actual surrounding.

All in all, adventure may not take you so far from you home, as stated. It may actually bond you tight to the familiar places and you may grow even closer to the people you know. Enjoy the beauty of the things surrounding us in a vibrant augmented reality powered by RonRik. - Mobile phone Social Games - Play When you Would like!

You’re having relatives over and it would be rude to amuse yourself with your smartphone. But you’re feeling so bored that your only salvation would be going to the bathroom for a couple of minutes just to up your score. Well, guess what? We have the perfect solution for you. You’ll no longer have to hide those awkward facial expressions whenever the late bloomer of your uncle tells jokes which are supposed to be funny.
Seems like it’s too good to be true? It, actually, isn’t. You’ll just have to hope that they bring their kids with them. Why? Here’s why. We give you the opportunity for endless fun even in the most desperate of times.We present you Ronrik! It’s a mobile social game which you get to play at any time given! Your only job is to install the application on your phone and you’re good to go!

Ronrik is very different from any other game, because it offers you the opportunity to play the actual game in real life. All you have to do is let your mobile device find other devices. (meaning, people who use the application as well) Then you can approach them and have fun becoming allies or enemies and fighting your brains out. Virtually, that is. As you can see, there’s not much you can do if you just download the application and sit in your room all day. The adrenaline rush of who you’ll meet next is what makes it worthwhile!
So, yes, my point was: if your not-very-interesting relatives bring their children with them, and they have the application, then, you can set the playground right in front of everyone. It’s gonna be exhilarating for the others watching you as you prove your skills, or, things can even get better! They can decide you’re becoming a nuisance and send you out. In fact, now that you’re out of the hell’s pit – you’re free to do whatever you wanted to anyways! - Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming

Mobile Augmented Reality Gaming

It becomes clearer as time goes by that augmented reality is the next best thing that is going to be used in many aspects in our life. Remember that friendly little gadget, the uncertified best friend? Yes, you mobile phone. It’s no secret that gaming apps are going to be much more realistic now than before.

It’s the simple things in life that make everything better. Look at it this way: you have new curtains in your room and not it looks entirely different and new, even though every other piece in the room is old. That’s what augmented reality does. It changes the things you know, but in a way, it’s still the same.

Mobile gaming apps are an everyday thing now, just try to count how many you have on your phone. But AUGMENTED mobile gaming apps are something different. Easy to use, but yet, powerful enough to present you what you know from a different angle. You will be able to play on the places you know, right there in your actual reality. But everything will seem more colourful, playful and more fun than before.
Forget about bonding yourself in front of a computer for hours. Take your mobile phone and enjoy. And when the reality is augmented, we’re sure that you will enjoy indeed. - How augmented reality apps work

How augmented reality apps work

If you look back in time, seeing something that isn’t really there was most likely to be pronounced as schizophrenia. So, if you saw a dragon canvassing your neighborhood, well, people will ‘equip’ you with a ‘first class ticket’ to a mental institution. But now, since things are rapidly changing the dragon you see is most likely to knock on your door and ask you for a minute to talk about Jesus. All that, thanks to what we call an augmented reality.
Apps are not an unknown thing to us, we use them every day for different purposes. But when it comes to augmented reality apps, things complicate a bit since we are still not so used to having them. Let’s try and put it in a simple way. That dragon we talked about before. It is not a part of your imagination, but also, it is not a part of reality. The augmented reality actually blurs the strict line between what’s real and what’s pure imagination.

Using different devices, you can experience unique altered reality, something that your eyes have never seen. Maybe it still sound like a feature from Star Wars, but actually, augmented reality is there, becoming more popular with every minute passed. It will be soon before long when it becomes a part of our everyday life. - Best Mobile Games Which You Can't Resist

Best Mobile Games Which You Can't Resist
Don’t you feel tired of the ordinary games mobile phones, and even online Internet sites, offer? It’s all about spending your time behind the screen, trying to get a higher score, while damaging your eye-sight in the process because of the countless hours you spend embracing the radiation. You’re walking down the street with your earphones on and your whole being focused solely on the iPhone and bursting out in anger if, God forbid, you lose your grip. How fun is that?
Stop wondering why you can’t get girls’ attention. It’s not because of your physique, (okay, maybe it is) or about your boring personality. (um.. you might wanna consider that) It’s because of your inability to approach people and start a normal conversation. (we’re talking about people you know here, don’t want to end up being called a freak) But, if you just can’t change for the life of you, you have to find a way to be dominant in your own field, no matter how lame that seems to other people. In fact, that way you’ll attract more like-minded people, so go for it!

The perfect choice for you is Ronrik. Welcome to the augmented world of the most realistic game that has ever been created. And no, it’s not a contradiction. It’s actually a pretty good solution to incorporate your ‘world of warcraft’ life into your real one. I think we’ve all had enough of playing against unknown enemies, or even against the device itself, and trying to accomplish something by the skin of our teeth. And the outcome? Well, except for the short-term joy – not much. That’s why Ronrik’s different. There aren’t many games that enable you to use an application through which you can discover other people’s devices who use the same application. And the best part is when the bloodshed occurs; so instead of sitting idly and using your fingers to the bone, you get up, approach the person and start fighting – of course, causing virtual damage.
What’s worth the prize is always worth the price! Considering it’s a fairly new invention, why not be among the first to try it out? Mobile Location - based Multi-Player Real-Time Strategy Game

A Mobile Location-based Multi-Player Real-Time Strategy Game

Hey, I didn’t see you there! Probably because all you do is stay at home all day, trying to beat your last score on that online game you’ve been playing. To be honest, it does get boring. Don’t you wanna go outside? Approach the real world and still be playing and having fun? And I’m not talking about plain socializing. Read on. Your friend’s moving to another country. What do you do? Normally, you feel sad and have no willpower whatsoever to do anything. Understandable. That way you won’t be able to apply this cool game to your friendship. But, it’s not an excuse for doing nothing. Get up, dress up and go outside!

The real-time strategy games consist of you being able to, actually, play in real life by downloading the application! So, you get to fight in real life, you get to make strategies in real life and even make allies in real life! And all of your winnings go to the score in the game! How awesome is that? All you need to do is have your mobile with you, because you use it to track other locations where applications like this are available. So, go for it. Try it out. I’m not saying it’ll keep your friend from moving, but at least you’re gonna have a hell of a time together before that happens. - Augmented Reality Games, Social Reality Games - Augmented Reality Games, Social Reality Games

Maybe this is one of those days when everything around you seems dull, grey and depressing. Everything is pretty much the same, you are wearing the same pajamas, your mother cooks the same food as two days ago, and even the same people pass by your house. If this is the case, we have good news: you are not alone! Since many people feel tired of the constancy of their surroundings, some brilliant minds decided to change that. That’s why today we have something we call an augmented reality.

Augmented reality is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented(or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data’. To put in a simple way, that would mean that using a device you can alter the things you see in a way that they would be more exciting for the eye. Or to explain it even in a simpler way, it is something like when you watch a football match on television, you see a part of reality (the football match) occurring somewhere in real time, but the tiny box on your screen where you see the result is the augmented part of the reality you see.

The term augmented reality in the complete opposite of the term virtual reality. Virtual reality exists somewhere in a place you cannot call real, and augmented reality exist in front of your eyes, painting your black and white world with the colours of joy.

So instead of living in a virtual reality, alter the things you know and enjoy. You never know what’s going to wait for you somewhere in a hidden corner in your neighborhood.