Monday 2 June 2014 - Social Realty Game Every Person Should Try

If you’re a true gamer, I’m sure you’re starting to be worn out by the same, old, plain games mobile devices offer. It’s just like a downward spiral – it doesn’t get any better; in fact, it can get worse! You find yourself spending time playing games as a means to an end; seems like killing time’s the only thing left. The thrill, the enthusiasm, the adrenaline – all gone. You need something new, yet you’re stuck in reverse.
We’ve got the right thing for you. It’s something everyone needs to try. (well, excluding elderly people, but each to their own) If you haven’t heard of it, well, no worries! We’re here to introduce it! No matter how unbelievable it sounds, you can play in real life (meaning, in the natural environment) and score virtually! Sounds crazy? Believe it. Ronrik is one of the first social reality games ever invented! In fact, its only requirement is to own a phone with Internet access, so you can download the application.. which, we’re almost certain you have. And then, let the fun begin! Tell your friends to download it as well, because this game requires socialization. In a nutshell, what you do is, you use your skills to fight them (in the very moment!) or, simply, compete (take what you will) and by doing so, you virtually score points! That sounds hella fun!

Actually, not only is it fun, but it also gives you the chance to get your ass off the couch, go out and score in reality as well! Just imagine how cool you’d be in the eyes of the girl who you been longing to impress. Who knows? You might even bring her into this madness and together you can rule the world of Ronrik.
Back to reality now. Don’t expect the best outcome of this scenario, it’s only just a game, no matter how cool.

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