Monday 2 June 2014 Mobile Location - based Multi-Player Real-Time Strategy Game

A Mobile Location-based Multi-Player Real-Time Strategy Game

Hey, I didn’t see you there! Probably because all you do is stay at home all day, trying to beat your last score on that online game you’ve been playing. To be honest, it does get boring. Don’t you wanna go outside? Approach the real world and still be playing and having fun? And I’m not talking about plain socializing. Read on. Your friend’s moving to another country. What do you do? Normally, you feel sad and have no willpower whatsoever to do anything. Understandable. That way you won’t be able to apply this cool game to your friendship. But, it’s not an excuse for doing nothing. Get up, dress up and go outside!

The real-time strategy games consist of you being able to, actually, play in real life by downloading the application! So, you get to fight in real life, you get to make strategies in real life and even make allies in real life! And all of your winnings go to the score in the game! How awesome is that? All you need to do is have your mobile with you, because you use it to track other locations where applications like this are available. So, go for it. Try it out. I’m not saying it’ll keep your friend from moving, but at least you’re gonna have a hell of a time together before that happens.

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