Monday 2 June 2014 - Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising

Mobile Augmented Reality Advertising

Since the conclusion is that augmented reality provides secure future in probably every aspect of our life that has something to do with technology, we pose the question: Is it possible to use augmented reality as a new and inventive way of advertising? And in the same way we posed the question, now we’re going to answer it: Yes it is! Big time!

In fact, many companies have already begun using augmented reality for advertising purposes.
Take Starbucks as an example. Starbucks always raises the stakes and challenges the competition, so now once again, they found a way to stay on top. Using augmented reality, they created a unique augmented reality app. Simply, you can drink your favoutire coffee and watch the world of Starbucks come alive on your screen.

Another interesting example is Absolut Vodka. Using their app, you can want the beauties of Sweden unfold on your screen when you focus you camera on the leaflet on the bottle. Absolut Vodka comes from Sweden, just for the record.

As you can see, augmented reality offers unique advertising possibilities, never seen before. So if you want to raise high together with your brand or company, this is the thing you need to look out for. 

1 comment:

  1. Basically Augmented Reality of an integration of user's environment with a digitally created objects. So is it same as VR? no its not. In Virtual Reality, it crates a full artificial environment, but in Augmented Reality it uses the existing environment and lay digitally created layer on top of it. The history of AR goes back to 1901.

    Interactive Theatre
