Monday 2 June 2014 - Augmented Reality Games for Mobiles

Augmented Reality Games for Mobiles

What’s reality if it can’t be changed or even altered? Not much fun, really. It’s the same old thing you have to do every single day. Get up, face reality and go to sleep. Right? Well, wrong. Let us show you a way you can have fun without having to, possibly, move to another state.

Well, we can, for one, an entirely different concept that will keep you guessing what’s next. Ladies and gents, it’s the augmented reality! This enhanced reality will enable you to do things you never thought you’d be able to accomplish. But never say never, eh?

Not only do you have the option to play games on your mobiles, but you have the chance to try the wonders augmented reality offers. If you’re one of the lucky ones, just download a suitable application and make your way through the lost forest, once and for all!

I mean, once you’ve been in a better place, there’s no way you’re going back to where you’re from. Don’t get us wrong, not that we’re underestimating the power of regular games, but bear in mind, we’re offering something that’s bound to blow your minds!

1 comment:

  1. One of the biggest impacts augmented reality has had is in gaming. Many apps on smart phones use augmented reality like Snapchat and the L’Oreal “Make up Genius” app. These apps create allow the user to alter the face.

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